Q&AThis page consists of five sections: Q & A, definitions, dichotomies, questions without answers, and cliches.  The Q & A contains the most essential questions in no particular order.  The definitions sections is critical because I use words in specific ways and providing definitions will help you understand me better and gives Dissolving the Dream internal consistency.  The dichotomies is an offering of useful distinctions between terms which can have starkly different meanings but often may be used interchangeably.  The questions without answers are there just to poke a little (or a lot) at your hard-wiring, and the cliches are a list of so-called aphorisms that we can easily do without.

Q & A

(the following questions and answers appear in no particular order)

Are there any age requirements or recommendations to participate?

Only recommendations, as it is ultimately up to you.  You are welcome to post a minimum age for your group, for example.  The optimum age range for participation is 30-50, meaning that people in this age range will generally be the most conducive to good group dynamics, but the maturity and evolution of the individual will always be the primary factor.  People under 30 tend to lack maturity and often do not have enough experience with their own shortcomings, whereas people over 50 may be lacking in the belief that great transformation is possible.  If you are well aware of your faults, have adequate experience with failure, and believe a far better world is not only possible but probable given a new model of consciousness, age should not be much of a factor for you.

Can the time period be condensed from 22 days down to a shorter period of time?

Yes.  If you need to condense the time period due to the fact that you are travelling, or are just really hungry for transformation, consider doing it in 4, 7, 10, or 13 days.  Just keep in mind that the creation aspect will most likely have to be altered, such that instead of creating individually, you might want to consider group projects.  Hint: think games and acting out in public.  Get goofy.  If you really want to condense four sessions into one day, let me know how it goes.  All that being said, 22 days is best if you can make it work.

Why is the term ‘salvation’ used on this website?

I use certain terms interchangeably, including salvation, ascension, radical transformation, or maybe even ‘getting the fook outta here’…  They are simply convenient terms to express the same idea that the world we are currently in is completely intolerable and needs to be quickly and radically transformed.

How is technology critical in terms of salvation?

Without the internet and cell phones, we would not have the ability to spread ideas and demonstrate a new model of consciousness fast enough for it to take root and spread worldwide.

Why is it essential that the entire world be transformed?

There is no other way for salvation to occur than worldwide.  What occurs overseas in distant lands is affecting you every moment.  While it is quite realistic to affect change in your locale, you are limited by the sum total of the world’s consciousness in terms of how greatly things can change.  As long as there is rampant misery in the world, you will be unable to experience the transformation you truly desire.

What kind of time scale is involved with salvation?

In as little as 100 days there can be a massive worldwide transformation.  This will be possible given a critical mass of enough people demonstrating the consciousness of transformed human beings who actively share and spread their way of being.

How should we plan our future, living in this insane world while we work towards an entirely different one?

My best advice is to make plans about three years ahead in terms of how you will survive here.  Planning less far into the future may be too anxiety provoking, while planning further into the future will actually extend the transition period.  The future we act in accord with will become the reality we experience.

How does ‘spirituality’ play into salvation?

If we use my definition of spiritual (“That which is related to the process of self-discovery, and includes a relentless search for answers.”), it is essential.

Are there any personality traits that are most essential for group success?

Our individuality and uniqueness fully expressed is what is most needed, and The Plan simply asks that you be honest, willing, and gentle.  Without those, there is no way you can participate effectively.  Notice that being ‘nice’ is not one of the necessary traits.  While you should be generally considerate, pleasant, and generous, you being fully yourself, demonstrating the three qualities of manifest awakening (authenticity, enthusiasm, and lightness) will not always seem nice to the world.

Why is The Plan called The Plan?

I find it egotistical to call it ‘my plan’, egotistical and repulsive to call it ‘God’s Plan’, and if it were not capitalized, it would not sound like anything different or notable.  It is a plan and I think it is the plan that will work, hence The Plan.

How does the historical Yeshua of Nazareth figure into salvation?

The best answer is somewhat of a let-down: we need to raise the vibration of the world first to truly understand his role.  Until then, we can only speculate.  If you want to know, participate in salvation!  (the same answer applies to all the big guys and gals in all of the religious traditions)

How is the ‘ego’ addressed in Dissolving the Dream?

I do not even bother to define ‘ego’ on this page because it is junk terminology, meaning that it is a word that has so much ambiguity as to render it useless.  The whole idea of transcending your personality is garbage.  You are stuck with you.  All that needs to occur is for you to be supported fully to be the best version of you possible.

Are there any signs of ‘readiness’ such that one can be an effective player in salvation?

Mostly, one needs to be entirely fed up with the current reality yet still have a vision of a brighter future which they believe is actually possible to manifest.  In other words, one must be bereft of hope where there is none and be ready to invest their energy in a reality worth living in.  This individual has often faced terrible suffering yet has not become completely embittered.  A good sense of humor, a great appreciation for beauty, an intolerance for bs, and practical and rational thinking are pretty much essential.  

Is it possible to participate in The Plan and refrain from contact?

Nope.  We are creating a safe space to practice contact, and conducting it in a light, gentle, clean, and non-invasive manner.  Use this rule if you are concerned: armpits and up, knees and down.  Or stated another way, stay away from the area between the armpits down to the knees.  That is a good general rule, especially when lying down belly up.  The back has many nerve endings which should be stimulated, but take it according to a pace that works for you.  Make it comfortable to practice.  Wear as many layers as you feel are necessary.

Is it not egotistical to claim oneself as a savior?

Perhaps it would be using certain definitions.  The role of the savior is simply to be happy and lift up everyone else.  Is that such a big deal?  If egotistical means being helpful, and being ‘normal’ means to support the status quo, let’s be egotistical!

Are physical symptoms of awakening real, and if so, how do we best deal with them?

Whether the symptoms are related to awakening or not, there is one answer: if they are painful, they need to go. Practicing The Plan will alleviate much of the pain and discomfort we currently experience.  As you become more light and energetic you will also become less aware of pain as it will be superseded by positive emotions and sensations.  What is critical to understand is this: you don’t need to ‘relax’ (in this instance meaning to sit around, move slow, lie on the beach…) – you need to become more energetic and move around more.  The world needs energetic people using their energy wisely and efficiently.  Don’t daydream about being lazy. 

Are there any recommendations in taking care of the body, specifically in regards to taking medicine?

No.  It is recommended that you educate yourself about health such that you require as few medical interventions as possible, but understand that at the present level of consciousness, it is likely that you will need to use the medical system at some point.  Raising consciousness via support systems will always be the most powerful and transformative type of action we can take in regards to all problems on both an individual and societal level.

Does taking an action at the same time in large numbers create a positive shift?

Not necessarily.  You must start thinking in terms of quality, not quantity.  Reaching a critical number of say 10,000 in and of itself will do nothing.  If the energy of the participants is not synced, and/or you are doing something that is aligned with the current level of consciousness, you will only get more of the same.  Remember, keep it light, fun, and make sure everyone is included.  Otherwise…?

What is the importance of prayer?

Prayer is made of up of two essential elements: communication and intention.  Communication is fulfilled by the desire to communicate itself and occurs instantly.  Intention is aided by clarity, so we should first identify what it is exactly that we desire.  Without actually being able to see what we truly want, prayer is meaningless.  Once we are confident in our sincerity to reach God, formal prayer will not be needed as we will live our lives in a state of prayer, and once the world is thoroughly transformed, prayer will no longer be serious business, but an act of joyous gratitude.  When praying with others, be simple, honest, and keep it succinct.  Spending a few minutes of quiet time every day in a serene setting is restorative to the soul, whether we label it prayer, meditation, or relaxation.

With all the problems in the world, why is The Plan the solution?

The Plan is actually something we are capable of implementing with relative ease.  If it were too difficult, it could not be done.  It may be the case that you think the problem is something other than relationship failure, and if that is so, you should work on the problem(s) according to how you see it and come up with a solution.  The Plan addresses the solvable problem (meaning a problem that can be easily identified and solved with comparitive ease), which is a problem of poor communication and relationships, and offers a simple solution.  Most problems we see in the world, such as health, poverty, and loneliness, are easily solved with extant solutions, but as long as those solutions remain unavailable to people, they do not exist for them.  The origin of these problems and myriad other are more closely linked to ignorance and distribution than anything, which are easily solved given improved communication.  If the problem is defined as an abstraction or something way bigger than us, it cannot be directly addressed, which of course means it is not a solvable problem.  If the problem is thought of as being conquered once we die, then there is no constructive solution for the living, and if there is no way to verify a post mortem solution, the entire thought system built around such a solution is idiotic at best.  The Plan states the solvable problem and offers a solution with universal applicability and tangible effects.  

What is the vision of work in a transformed world?

First, if problems are not deliberately created, then the ‘work’ that is associated with them will no longer be necessary.  If one person were paid to dig holes and another were paid to fill them in, they both have jobs, they both are employed, they both make money, but what is the net gain?  Nothing.  Only time wasted and the life sucked out of both of them.  Most of our ‘economy’ is based on creating problems and then fixing them.  That much needs to be seen before any sensible direction is taken.  

Work should be useful, fulfilling, and generally not exhausting.  Modern technology in the form of apps such as Uber and Thumbtack provide a good glimpse into the greater system that will come into place, as people who wish to work will simply make themselves available, and those who need work done will send out a message for help.  Instead of filling out applications and resumes, people will simply have webpages upon which their past experience is shown mainly in the form of positive or negative ratings from others, placing employers and employees on a level playing field.   

It is imperative to state that radically transforming the economy cannot truly happen until substantial work at the foundational level of building better relationships (via improved communication) has begun.   It is also critical to state that everyone wants to work, but noone want to be abused.  There is no fulfillment in laziness.  

What is the importance of charity and volunteering?

It is important to understand that good works and good intentions will not solve the problem of human existence, the evidence being the world you see.  Salvation requires that we begin at the foundation and heal the root of the problem first, and then tend to the branches.  Your participation in salvation will naturally induce you to become more helpful, as the Soul cannot tolerate suffering.  (yes, volunteer!)

What if one is too busy to participate?

Then help others who are participating.  Donate them money if they need to rent a space, volunteer a space of your own, or (…?).

Is it possible for one to be effective in groupwork if the general reality of the world is not seen by them?

In all likelihood, no.  The false personality depends on the illusions of the world to sustain it.  It is possible that groupwork will clear people of their illusions, but remember, use The Plan when you are together.  There are many other forums to discuss the nature of reality.

How is it that an individual can be so oblivious to the truth?

The Soul must pass through stages of fear in order to align itself with truth.  The human brain is equipped with ‘protective’ mechanisms to avoid feeling fearful, and in turn the brain will deny that which is plainly obvious in order to protect itself.  This results in hopeless barriers of communication which is why actively seeking out your brothers and sisters is so important.  

Why is this journey of awakening so lonely?

The programming of the brain is to avoid anyone and anything that can awaken the Soul.  People act through this programming and may unconsciously avoid you if you are awakening, explaining why people in general may be friendly yet also keep you at a distance.  As for why you have not yet come together as awakened souls, you were directed towards different places on the globe to stabilize regional chaos and the world as a whole.  Coming together prematurely before you were fully ready would not be ideal, as mature individuals entering a ‘blank-slate’ relationship with no past acquaintance is best for forming salvation-caliber relationships.  The light is green now, so don’t wait to find one another!

Does the law of attraction have any validity in this world?

Yes, basically enough such that a few people mislead many others into believing in its validity.  The law of attraction works perfectly in Heaven, but in case you didn’t notice, you are not in Heaven.  Most of your misunderstandings arise from your confusion of Heaven and hell.  Instead of waking up and realizing you are in hell, you make convoluted explanations of reality and plan your futures as if you are Home.  

Are common spiritual practices helpful at this time?

The context for life at this time is so drastically different from the eras in which these practices stem from such that most have lost their validity and have no realistic application now.  If they make you feel better, keep doing them, however, the ultimate purpose behind all of your preparation and learning has been to participate in salvation.  It is often the case that one will not be able to discern success and failure because without a proper context for life, everything will be misconstrued.  Therefore, what feels good to you might seem successful yet it may reinforce your illusions, and what is painful may lead you to being a crucial player in salvation.  

Does channeling have a role in salvation?

Sanity is all that salvation requires, and that means if you are to participate, you must be rational and practical.  Rationality appeals to common sense, and practicality is that which can be utilized.  Any information lacking in these two qualities can at most be interesting, yet is certain to be tangential to salvation. 

Is the pursuit of happiness a worthy goal in itself?

If you came here to participate in salvation, you cannot be happy unless you are fulfilling your purpose.  

What does it mean to ‘awaken’?

To awaken is to cast off illusions and become sane.  There is no mysterious attainment as many have been led to believe.  In the pursuit of awakening, many have had hopes of finding peace through becoming awakened, not understanding that this was all a grand illusion.  Life often becomes more challenging as one awakens because they are less able to tolerate what they were able to as a sleepwalker.  It is the inability to tolerate the insanity of the world which should give one the impetus to participate in salvation as the current ‘reality’ completely loses its appeal.  As we move closer to actualizing a paradigm shift, ‘little’ frustrations will seem bigger than ever before.  This is all exactly the opposite of what many have understood to be true. 

How is salvation going to happen?

While noone knows precisely how it will happen, what we do know is that consciousness and relationships are the most fundamental components of our identity, and that we we have to work with them to achieve anything at all.  It is a self-evident fact to the path-pavers that there are indeed levels of consciousness, and the higher levels must come together to ignite salvation.  It is much like the top piece of the pyramid coalescing, and then lifting the base up to it.  It is a numbers game in the sense of achieving critical mass, but it takes very few people to create the spark and then defy gravity.  Quality is everything.  Keep this analogy of the pyramid in mind, and also keep in mind the idea of a tidal wave sweeping in, as salvation must occur quickly, powerfully, and thoroughly.

Is there good bass in Heaven?

Yes, very rich bass.  The sound of music is beyond what you can imagine.  The frequencies you are used to listening to are warped, whereas in Heaven, it is perfect, of course.  



adjustment  –  Attempting to live in an environment which does not suit your needs and desires.

ascension  –  The final merger of the world and all Souls back to Heaven.

bambino  –  A cutesy term to refer to the date of 12-21-12.

change  –  To rearrange the constituent parts without a fundamental alteration of the molecular (fundamental) components.

compartmentalization  –  The idea and/or practice of keeping various aspects of our lives separate from one another, e.g. business and personal life.  A clunky word for a clunky thing.

content  –  1) The subject matter at hand.  2) The explicit meaning of words themselves.

context  –  The environment, meaning the totality of that which we exist in.

conspiracy  –  The decision of two or more persons to carry out a hidden agenda, and is usually designed to manipulate and control others.

dark mind  –  The hive mind complex which ‘protects’ us from God.  

darkness  –  Synonymous with ‘dark mind’. 

degradation  –  Altering the fundamental state to a lower level of existence.

dismissive  –  A term intended to automatically negate a person or thing such that no further consideration of the said thing is given.

distraction  –  Removing your awareness from what you think or feel is unpleasant.

dynamics  –  1) The way things interact.  2) In terms of communication, it pertains to the non-verbal aspects of communication (hand gestures, expressions, tone of voice, cadence, posture…).

economics  –  The false science of how to distribute resources which are ‘inherently scarce’.  Economic thought is a house of cards, a house with no foundation.  Once seen for what it is, it is revealed as a complete sham; a thought system upheld by pundits who seem believable and a population willing to believe them.  *Note: the word ‘economy’ means ‘the careful management of available resources’.  

exclusion –  Deciding to limit your associations with others.

experience  –  Distinct from fact by the virtue of it being completely certain to the experiencer, yet non-factual to everyone else.

extrapolation  –  Imagining what the future could be like based on a set of data and/or observations.

fact  –  A statement about reality that is collectively agreed upon because it is self-evident.

fiduciary  –  Something fiscal, I think.

filbert  –  1)  A hazelnut.  2)  An overeducated and often times sophisticated fool.

flow  –  The state and/or feeling of being in harmony.

functional perspective  –  Viewing people, places, events, and things in terms of their context, often with the intention of seeing their usefulness.  

frix  –  The state and/or feeling of being misaligned or out-of-sync.

Gaia  –  The world as a healthy, vital, and beautiful functioning whole.

generous  –  To be present and available, giving yourself fully to the moment.

God  –  The eternally loving, benevolent, original power and parent to all of creation.  Synonymous with Heaven, but the word ‘God’ is most typically used as an anthropomorphic projection of what we believe to be the highest governing power.

grock   –  To understand fully.  (borrowed from the novel “Stranger in a Strange Land”.)

inclusion  –  A principle of mind and action to involve absolutely everyone.

job  –  1) What you do to make money. 2) What you do as a sense of duty.  (There is no inherent connection between working a ‘real’ job and doing something useful out of a sense of duty.)

labor  –  What some may refer to as ‘real work’.  Moving around heavy objects, building and construction, growing food, extracting natural resources…  Work that produces a change in the environment and generally brings benefit to others. 

liberation –  Freedom from the control of darkness, and the reestablishment of our power and authority according to God’s Will.

lightness  –  In terms of contact, it means to be light with our touch.  It also means to carry ourselves in a way that is friendly and playful.

lightworker  –  I’m not sure, but I think it has to do thumb-twiddling.   

maker  –  A seemingly creative force which mimics the creations of God, but does not create from pure love and benevolence.

manifest awakening  –  A clunky term indicating that you have the necessary traits of a savior: authenticity, enthusiasm, and lightness.

molerat  –  1) A member of the family rodentia.  2)  A success and personal growth junkie.

natural  –  A state of being in harmony (flow) with the environment, including all other beings.

nature  –  The seemingly natural world that exists independent of humans.  Nature is not natural, it is predatory.

negative intelligence  –  Using intelligence for evil purposes, which means harming others, including animals.  The word ‘negative’ implies a numerical value below zero, giving humans the possibility of being the stupidest creatures of all.  

opinion  –  A statement about reality that is not collectively agreed upon.

perceptualism  –  The idea that we can all decide upon what reality is for ourselves, made into a philosophy by exploiting the fact.  Buyer beware.

phony  –  One who masquerades as spiritual without having done any of the work needed, often times just ‘wearing the garments’ to provide the appearance of authentic spirituality.  (Note: I am not going to yield the word ‘spiritual’ to phonies – it is too good a word to give up, but you can have ‘namaste’!  ps – get the bumpersticker!)

prayer  –  Composed of communication and intention, it is the true desire of the soul to be in peace and establish connection with God.

predation (predatory)  –  The inherently fearful condition in which all creatures eventually wind up as food for other creatures..

projection  –  1) Our idea of what the future may hold.  2) Implanting what is within ourselves onto others.

pseudo-skeptic  –  One who is incredulous to the point of being incapable of seeing something in a new way, while proclaiming to have an open mind.

pseudo-science  –  The engagement of the scientific method without the conscious awareness of subscriptions to underlying tenets which are wholly unviable.  In other words, the inability to see the faults in the foundation.

qualification  –  A point of clarification as to make a previous statement less ambiguous. Ideally, communication regarding salvation would have no qualifications, but for the sake of clarify, qualifications are often necessary.  

religious  –  Subscribing to a system of beliefs and customs in an effort to placate the conscience and be well-adjusted to the human condition.

salvation  –  The transformation of the world by first dramatically improving the quality of life for all living beings, and then restoring the world to its rightful place in Heaven.  Salvation refers to the entire process of returning Home.

savior  –  One who participates in salvation as an indispensable player.

scarcity  –  A human construct of lack due to ‘inherent conditions’ of the world, and also the basis for all economics.  Scarcity is a current fact, but remember, facts are agreements which can be amended.

science  –  The process and practice of seeking answers to questions without bias.  True science does not care to maintain the status quo, to fit in with conventional dogmas, and will regularly create new paradigms based on its investigation and evidence.

s.c.u.m.b.a.g.s.  –  An acronym: satanic cult of useless mooches brainwashing and governing souls.  This is the name they truly deserve.

shuffler  –  One who moves money from one place to another, skimming profits along the way, while adding nothing of real value to the common good.

shyster  –  One who makes money through whatever means are necessary to serve themselves without considering the damage done to others.

skeptic  –  One who asks reasonable questions and conducts investigation prior to making a decision regarding phenomena beyond their direct experience.  

solvable problem  –  Stating the problem in such a way such that there is a solution that can be implemented with relative ease.  If a problem is not solvable, it by definition cannot be solved, so it is not worthy of prolonged consideration.  

spaghettification  –  Being stetched into a thin noodle-like shape as you get sucked into a black hole.

spiritual  –  That which is related to the process of self-discovery, and includes a relentless process of questioning and searching for answers.

spirochete  –  1) The corkscrew bacteria responsible for lyme disease.  2) A pseudo-spiritual person, as in one who ‘wears the robes’.

stank  –  The totality of unexpressed thought and emotion that lies beneath the personality you show to the world.

sustainable  –  That which can be sensibly managed without detrimental effects on people and/or the environment.  

swarm  –  When a brother or sister puts out a call of distress and asks for help, the swarm is the answer we give by responding promptly to this call.  

syncing  –  Short for synchronizing, it means the undeniable experience of creative synergy with one another.  (pronounced like ‘sink’, other forms would include ‘sync’ for present, and ‘synced’ for past)

synergy (synergistic) –  When multiple parts come together to create something greater than the singular parts add up to individually, that is synergy.  Think of two guys trying to move a bunch of queen mattresses off a truck and up to the third floor of a house.  If they carry them together, they may be able to get the job done much more quickly, and with only one-third of the cursing!

syntropy (syntropic) –  Moving in the direction of greater order.

thingamajiggy  –  see ‘whatchahoozie’

transformation  –  Altering the fundamental state to a higher level of existence.

truth  –  1) The highest and most accurate perspective. 2) A statement which is in accord with God.

validity  –  A determination of value based on the underlying foundation upon which a particular thing exists within.

visionary  –  One who sees a brighter future and the most direct means of arriving there.

volunteer  –  One who made the voluntary decision to incarnate in order to assist the world.

whatchahoozie  –  see ‘thingamajiggy’



this world vs. life  –  The world we think of as home, and believe to be one of the few places containing life in the universe, is seen as such only because we are stuck in a state of limited perception.  Life as God created it is healthy and abundant throughout the universe, in contrast with this world which is in the vice grip of death.  

ambition vs. expression  –  Ambition always begins with a false idea of who you are and is the attempt to make personal gains through this false idea, whereas expression is just a natural way of being for the Soul.  Ambition is typically destructive at its worst but at the very least it supports the status quo, while expression serves everyone and lifts everyone up.

make vs. create  –  To make is to perform tasks lifelessly, whereas to create is to give yourself completely to what you are doing.   

maker vs. creator  –  The maker of life is one that does not support life, whereas the creator fully supports life.  

form vs. essence  –  Regarding people, places, and things, form is that which you can perceive with your senses, while essence is the most fundamental qualities which often times cannot be placed into words.  

content vs. dynamics  –  In terms of communication, content consists of the words themselves, whereas dynamics consists of all non-semantic forms of communication (i.e. hand gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice…)

scarcity vs. prosperity  –  The design of the world is to impose scarcity on its inhabitants to keep them in competition for scarce resources, thereby insuring they remain in conflict to survive.   In true prosperity, there is no need to horde or possess as there is no possibility of scarcity, and no possibility of loss.

survive vs. thrive  –  Survival entails the struggle to exist, whereas thriving means that we feel completely supported by life.

earth vs. Gaia  –  Earth is the planet in its degenerate form which we currently experience, whereas Gaia is the transformed version of it, where joy reigns supreme. 

this place vs. Home  –  We are not truly home in this world, as is evident to anyone who has really looked into it.  It is just a place we are temporarily stuck in, and our only true purpose here is to find Home.  

self-conscious vs. self-aware  –  These terms could be synonymous, but also can be used differently to convey a distinction.  Self-conscious means being uncomfortable or ashamed about yourself, whereas self-aware simply means to actually be highly aware of yourself including your thoughts, emotions, and physicality.

frix vs. flow  –  When you are in the frix, it feels like there is resistance in everything you do, whereas the flow feels as if the universe is conspiring in your favor.

personality vs. soul  –  Your personality is the result of all you have accumulated in the forms of defensive structures to protect yourself from perceived threats while your soul is your natural expression of being when your defenses have been stripped away.

reincarnation vs. voluntary incarnation  –  The former refers to those who were first duped into making the decision to ‘bite the apple’, and as a result have been imprisoned since that decision was made with no chance of escape.  Voluntary incarnation refers to those who came to the planet to assist in salvation through a conscious and clear decision to do so.  

conditioning vs. learning  –  Conditioning is pseudo-learning, used as a means to perpetuate imprisonment.  Learning is that which is accord with truth and freedom.

entropy vs. syntropy  –  Entropy entails an inherent inclination to disorder, whereas syntropy means the very opposite.  Entropy is an artificial process, whereas syntropy is natural and is in alignment with the transformation of the world.

religious vs. spiritual  –  As defined here, religious means the subscription to stories and rituals in the hopes of freeing your soul after death, whereas spiritual means the full investigation of life without the compulsory desire to palliate yourself with hopes beyond this world.

unconscious projection vs. conscious projection  –  As unconscious projection by definition projects unconsciously, it automatically shifts your undesirable qualities onto others.  Conscious projection is the willful act of seeing the light in others and giving them the blessing of your higher vision. 

negative distraction vs. positive distraction  –  Not all distraction is ‘negative’.  What is termed negative distraction is that which we use to escape investigation into reality and keeps us in ignorance.  Positive distraction on the other hand is used to take our minds off of pain, especially if it becomes too overwhelming.  Ever tickle a child when they are mad?

insane vs. sane  –  The world is insane, and it appears as complete insanity to the sane.  The insane might rattle off a long list of problems with the world, but they are unable to see that it is fundamentally insane, as it takes sanity to see insanity.

special vs. unique  –  As a creation of God, you are unique but are not endowed with any privilege, entitlement, or superiority.  In the world we may believe we are special due to the gifts we possess in relation to others, but in Heaven there is no limitation on us, as all souls are endowed with unlimited creative power.  

negative intelligence vs. positive intelligence  –  Using our intelligence for the detriment of all, or the benefit of all.

old vs. mature  –  Old means stale and lifeless, whereas mature means conscious and respectful.

young vs. youthful  –  Young pertains to years while youthful means having a spirit of playfulness and curiosity.


Questions without Answers

(maybe you’ve got an answer, but no answer is given here)

Why did God make death, or why did God make satan who made death?

Why did God make you with a body that has parts which are considered vile?

Why did God make you with a body that can get sick?

Why did God make you with a body that ages, and becomes stiff and burdensome?

If you believe in reincarnation, how did the entire process begin?

Would God allow His Children do separate themselves from Him continually throughout eternity, knowing the danger they would be getting in and allowing them to make this decision perpetually?

If you believe in reincarnation, are you okay with the idea of this world continuing to exist indefinitely with all of the trillions of beings who will be forced into bondage and suffering?

If you do not believe in reincarnation, how do you explain why you were born to your parents, and why you were not blessed or cursed with a better or worse upbringing?

If a tree falls in the forest and kills you, did you hear it?

Are you okay with getting old, and of all the physical ailments that you will suffer along the way?

Do you plan on making enough money to buy your way out of suffering, while knowing that others will not be able to afford to?

If a child cries in Africa, does it make a sound?

When will prices stop ending in .99, .97, and .95?  What the hell is that all about??  And gas – .99.9???

Are you okay with your child (children) dying before you?

Are you okay with the idea of your child living into their 90’s and becoming frail, senile, and incontinent?

What is the sound of a three-legged turkey chasing a one-legged goose?

Do you feel guilty about sharing your secret mantra with your friends, despite your beloved guru telling you not to do so?

Did nothing explode about 20 billion years ago via the big bang, or is it possible astro-physicists are mistaken?

Does modern education assist or limit children in their development?  What are the ideal conditions for learning?

Is it acceptable to allow millions of people to die this next year from preventable diseases and disorders?

Do you find it irritating that we have golf courses and car racing in a world that is unwilling to provide enough for many of its inhabitants?

Do you prefer Brad Pitt with short hair or long hair?  ( I never said these would be easy!)

Aren’t you sick of football yet?

Would you rather have a prehensible tail, or retractable claws?

Would you rather have two additional retractable arms, or a ten-foot vertical leap?

Could the sun burn as hot as is it does for billions of years without a constant source of energy feeding into it?

What would happen if stress levels were all of a sudden reduced by 20%, globally?




(Some of these were the best advice we had at the time, but it’s 2018 now.)

No pain, no gain.  This statement might have been helpful at times in the old world, but it has no place in the new world.  You will have to work through your past and you will need to be energetic and vigilant, however.  Don’t be a lazy-ass.

Be impeccable with your word.  You may do so and get bad results anyhow.  Action is the arena of transformation.

Don’t take anything personally.  Guess what?  You will take things personally sometimes.  Garbage.

Don’t make assumptions.  Guess what?  You will.  Don’t worry about it.

Always do your best.  A redundant statement, because you cannot not do your best.  You will simply do as you have prepared yourself to do.

Everything happens for a reason.  Yes, including you getting swarmed by bees and then getting hit by a drunk bus driver during your all-inclusive stay in Tijuana.

Everything is going as planned.  Right, including many thousands of people going to bed hungry every night.

We’re all one.  Then why do you tolerate poverty and war?  How do you go to sleep at night knowing that part of your ‘oneness’ is being brutally attacked somewhere?

I’ve just gotta live in the moment.  What else could you do?  You are attempting to state that you want to be more trusting but the fact is that you are scared shitless.  Just admit it.  Grow up.

It’s all God.  Okay, then what are you?

There is nothing to fear.  In the ultimate reality, maybe, but not in nightmares.  When it’s time for you to encounter fear, will you be able to turn to others to ask for help?

Don’t sweat the small stuff.  Is a bee sting small?  What about ten bee stings?  100?  What is the cutoff?  Who says what is big and what is small?  Is a baby ‘wrong’ to cry?

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.  Or, it sends you into a spiraling depression, the world abandons you, and your only wish is for death to arrive quickly.  Depression and suicide are serious problems on a global scale, often triggered by trauma that never is given the attention it deserves.  

Let go and let God.  Useful at times, but the reality for those on the frontlines is that this world is a relentless struggle.

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived.  This statement is not only useless, but also completely wrong.  The preliminary step to making any progress is to identify the problem.  God does not keep secrets. 

Your thoughts create your reality.  There is much more going on than this principle alone.  It is more accurate to state that focus combined with action shapes our reality.

We need to evolve into awakened masters.  This is a paraphrased sentiment expressed by many.  Evidently they have not had their illusions of sacredness shattered by truly walking the path of fire.  We don’t need to gain anything, we just need to put down the bs.  It really is that simple.  

Heaven has already won the war.  Besides this being unverifiable, it has no practical application.  Simply stated, there is no war in Heaven, as war could not exist there.  We must be practical and take action instead of repeating so-called aphorisms.  

The world is an illusion.  It is an illusion while you are enjoying a beer during happy hour on a sunny afternoon, but is it an illusion when you come home to find your basement flooded?  We can make up whatever kind of baloney we want when we feel good.  

Without dark, we would not know the light.  This could be rephrased as ‘without evil we would not know good, or ‘without pain we would not appreciate pleasure’.  In other words, God created us too dumb to appreciate the good without the bad, so he created bad stuff to serve as a contrast to the good?  I guess I agree.  But what god are we talking about?

We are spiritual beings having a human experience.  This idiotic statement validates the human condition, not recognizing that there is nothing valid or desirable about it all.  The truth?  We are Souls working to save this fallen world from darkness. 


Tenets of Salvation

Consciousness is the most fundamental aspect of existence, and our collective level of consciousness determines the reality we live in.
Relationships are the most direct means of impacting and influencing consciousness.
Communication is the means of relating, and enlightened communication is the means of transforming consciousness and the world.

There is no spiritual attainment.  The most we can gain on our own is sanity.
Sanity requires three points of understanding:

1)  This world is hell, and is alien to the soul.
2)  Heaven is our Home, where we truly belong.
3)  There is a way to return Home, and my participation is essential.
Stated another way: I hate this damn place, I want out of here, and am ready for action.

If you don’t like someone, build them up.

The greatest virtue of all: fluffy.