In case you didn’t notice, we’re in a battle.  Although we have a fair share of spiritual ignoramuses that would state otherwise, suffice it to say that they’re wrong.  This is a battle, and although we can shelter ourselves in luxurious homes surrounded by ostentatious walls, the cries for mercy do not cease just because we no longer hear them.  Not only do the cries continue, but those are our brothers and sisters uttering the calls for help.  The pseudo-spiritualist will use flowery language alluding to us being ‘one big human family’, while barfing out all kinds of lame and nonsensical explanations in order to deny reality and shirk responsibility.

Becoming a realist, or practical visionary, is essentially all of what spirituality is about.  Recently, I saw this cartoon:

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This exemplifies where we are quite well.  We’ve got the ‘law-of-attraction’ groupies akin to the optimists, the conspiracy junkies akin to the pessimists, and a tiny sliver of the population who would readily proclaim: “Can’t you see, people, that the entire thing is just one big nut-filled terd!”  Okay, maybe I’m the only one who would use those exact words.

So let’s answer the question now: What are we fighting against?


That’s the answer in one word.  We’re not fighting against forces of evil, although stupidity results in all kinds of evil.  The illuminati, the cabal, negative aliens, the secret government…those all exist because we’re stupid – our stupidity allows them to exist.  Understand, this is not a denial of their existence, but merely a statement that their existence can only be due to the weird generosity of our stupidity.

If we were truly intelligent, all forms of evil would vanish more quickly than we would be willing to believe.  The intelligence I speak of has nothing to do with being able to build skyscrapers and aircraft carriers.  After all, termites build some pretty damn big mounds without the need for language, special committees, or carefully planned delegation of labor.  If termites can do what they do, certainly human programming can allow us to build some mighty big structures, yet remain as virtually stupid as the insects.

Common sense is spiritual intelligence, which is to say radical honesty about what we know and don’t know.  That’s the kind of intelligence that actually makes us truly intelligent.  We might do poorly in the educational asylums and still possess this true intelligence, for it has nothing to do with what the authorities deem important.  The authorities want their skyscrapers, aircraft carriers, and poisons of every variety imaginable to keep the population in willful servitude to their insane agenda.

But guess what?  We are the ‘authorities’.  I mean that in every way, as we authorize imprisonment and we can authorize liberation.  It is not a bunch of buffoons (and an increasing number of buffoonettes) in suits and ties (and pantsuits) that are the authority.  Why?  Well, where do these supposed authorities derive their ‘power’?  From us, of course.

There are no political barriers to liberation, and the only physical barrier which has stood in the way of setting the world free has been lack of communication technology, but now we’ve got it – we have the internet and smart phones and most of the world has access to them.  With no physical barrier to the spread of ideas and organizational capabilities, could there be anything other than stupidity to blame for our little ‘si-chee-aye-tion’?  Absolutely not!

The battle we are fighting against is wrong ideas.  Ideas which proclaim that this world we are living in is normal, death is natural, and all of that horseshit which gargles forth from the mouths of spiritual ignoramuses.  It’s all garbage, and if we were free of these petty wrong ideas, the world would be set free in no time.

Now, let’s quickly state the right ideas:
Heaven is our true Home.
Heaven is our only true desire.
Heaven cannot tolerate us being gone.
Heaven knows we are safe at Home but are hallucinating, and have lost almost all of our communication with the Heavenly Realm.
Heaven would make no delays in getting us back Home.
Heaven cannot save us without our active participation.
Heaven knows that we are integral to the success of planetary liberation.
Heaven demands that we bring all Souls back with us.
Heaven reminds us that transforming the world is extremely easy if we allow for Divine Guidance.
Heaven declares that spirituality is simple, yet delusions are complicated, and if we believe that saving the world is complicated, we are not in alignment with Heaven.

Those are some of the most essential right ideas.

Listen now: Heaven is Reality and Heaven is perfectly orchestrated, such that all desires mutually benefit the entirety of Heaven, which of course includes you.  There is no such thing as ‘conflicting desires’ within Heaven.  It is perfect, in every way.

This world and the ‘universe’ we look upon is not reality.  The world does exist as long as we behold it, and it is only a dream in the sense that it is not eternal, for that which is not eternal is not ultimately real.  If we truly understand, we know that great compassion is warranted for suffering, and that we should never offer false consolation by stating the unreality of the world.  We are real, and our experience is to be validated.

The first step is to stop bullshitting ourselves about this world.  It is not perfect.  Everything isnot going according to ‘god’s plan’.  We are not just living out one of many possible experiences available to us.  This is a fucking abomination!

That, is called radical honesty, and I hope you pardon my Ruski.

If even a few people came together in the light of Truth and began singing the song and dancing the dance of Heaven, it could easily be the spark which ignites the world in a blessed blaze of Divine Light.  In this song and dance, we would realize that there is in fact no battle, but just a celebration to be shared and extended to all who would willingly join in.  The demonstration of Divinity operates on a level far above the need to dispel wrong ideas, for the demonstration isthe highest teaching of all, far above the battleground of words and concepts.

Until we get this shindig happenin’, we’ll be stuck on the battlefield where wrong ideas need to be challenged.  If there is any war that needs to be fought, it is against stupidity, and stupidity alone.  And if we are to be practical visionaries, we must be honest enough to admit that this war is still raging, and it is still far from over.  That being said, the right ideas can transform the world with great speed once they take hold.

I’ll close now by stating that I will gladly join in the song and dance wherever it is, and will continue to do all I can to create the spark and get the celebration going.